i.b.s.'s ® philosophy is providing innovative and tailor made premium maritime security services by using our expertise, efficiency, professionalism and discretion twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Our high profile security service portfolio reflects the tradition and lifestyle of our company spirit. It has been an attitude and mindset of our highly motivated and experienced specialized personnel for more than twenty seven years. We aim to be excellent and we strive to be better every day by performing our services on the highest level at all times. Our management welcomes you to share this exclusive experience, where you can feel yourself much more secure and your peace of mind very well protected. Regardless whether you are the captain, owner, manager or operator of a yacht, super yacht or mega yacht.
i.b.s.® is registered since 1996 with the focus on private security provision including maritime security and counter piracy operations. In addition, we offer consultancy services, gather information combined with a situation analysis and high profile executive protection services to owner, manager or operator of yachts, superyachts and megayachts. Those services are provided through our offices in Germany, the Baltics, Maldives, Oman, Singapore and the USA.
For now i.b.s.® is operating branches and representative offices in Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia to ensure a constant, reliable and comprehensive service as i.b.s.® has been well known for more than two decades.
„The ability of your armed protection team to work in a reliable and professional manner was outstanding and very discreet.“
„Your member of the protection team did an excellent job and I would not hesitate to recommend you and your company in the future for highly sensitive missions like ours.“
The i.b.s.® management and its employees are former member of the European Union Naval Forces and Police Special Units. Our personal and management have more than 30 years of experience in the field of governmental sector and the private security industry by completing each operation successfully and in a reliable manner for our clients worldwide.
At this stage we also would like to take the opportunity to point that i.b.s.® is DNV ISO 9001:2015 certified and in line with the recommendations of the IMO International Maritime Organization our company possesses professional indemnity insurance cover of EUR 5,000,000.00 per each liability case.
To carry out armed maritime security services our company is approved by the German Federal Office for Economics and Export Control (BAFA) as well by other relevant flag and coastal states like Marshal Islands, Isle of Men, Djibouti, Maldives, and Oman but not limited to those.
Our services are compliant with international Laws and Conventions, e.g. ICoCA, IMO, SOLAS, the ISPS and ISM Code, UNCLOS and SUA.
www.bodyguardagentur.de, www.bodyguardagentur.eu, www.bodyguardagentur.se, www.ibs-bodyguard.de, www.ibs-bodyguard.eu, www.ibs-marpro-usa.com, www.ibs-ops.com, www.ibs-ops.de, www.ibs-personenschutz.com, www.ibs-personenschutz.de, www.ibs-protective-usa.com, www.ibs-protective-usa.de, www.ibs-safety.com, www.ibs-safety.de, www.maritime-sicherheit.com, www.maritimesicherheit.com, www.maritimesicherheit.de, www.sea-marshall.com, www.vesselprotection.com, www.armed-military-transport-escort.com, www.armed-military-transport-escort.de, www.asis-international.de, www.berlin-personenschutz.de, www.bewaffnete-transport-begleitung.com, www.bewaffnete-transport-begleitung.de, www.bremen-personenschutz.de, www.bremen-personenschutz.com. www.executive-protection-international.com, www.executive-protection-international.de, www.executive-protection-national.com, www.frankfurt-personenschutz.com, www.frankfurt-personenschutz.de, www.fussball-sicherheit-ibs.de, www.hamburg-personenschutz.com, www.hannover-personenschutz.com, www.hannover-personenschutz.de, www.hotel-event-personenschutz.com, www.hotel-event-personenschutz.de, www.maritime-security-bowline-defence.com, www.maritime-security-bowline-defence.de, www.maritime-security-condor.com, www.maritime-security-condor.de, www.maritime-security-esc-global.com, www.maritime-security-ibs.com, www.maritime-security-ibs.de, www.maritime-security-isn.com, www.maritime-security-isn.de, www.maritime-security-port2port.com, www.maritime-security-pviltd.com, www.maritime-security-salamafikira.com, www.maritime-security-seaguardian.com, www.maritime-security-seagull.com, www.maritime-security-sicherheit-nord.com, www.maritime-security-sicherheit-nord.de, www.middle-east-security.com, www.mining-security-africa.com, www.muenchen-personenschutz.com, www.muenchen-personenschutz.de, www.oil-gas-security.com, www.oil-gas-security.de, www.personal-protection-international.com, www.personal-protection-international.de, www.personal-protection-national.com, www.personal-protection-national.de, www.preventis-personenschutz.com, www.preventis-personenschutz.de, www.privatimus-personenschutz.com, www.privatimus-personenschutz.de,, www.securityserviceiraq.com, www.securityservicekabul.com, www.stalking-beratung.com, www.stalking-beratung.de, www.stalking-personenschutz.com, www.stalking-personenschutz.de, www.stalking-sicherheit.com, www.stalking-sicherheit.de
To ensure that your crew is well instructed, prepared and ready to act in a manner that the hazardous situation may require before or during an incident.
To prepare all the individuals on board in advance for the planned voyage against organized crime and terrorism at sea.
To evaluate whether the ports and land destinations of your intended visit carry any hazards to yourself, your family, guests or crew.
To ensure that your implemented security measures and systems are right in place, up to date and fit the specific requirements of your superyacht.
To protect all the individuals on board as well as your high-value assets against organized crime (piracy) and similar acts (armed robbery) at sea.
To enable yourself, your family and guests to enjoy a well-earned lifestyle under the circumstances of the highest level of security where you may feel safe and secure.
To provide privacy and protection off-board for your affiliates and assets while on anchorage or just afloat.
To ensure the implementation of tailored to the needs designed technical surveillance and detection systems in your security concept.
To keep you, your affiliates and assets safe by a round-a-clock supervision and counseling from ashore.